New Year's Eve Musings

I’m not one given to making New Year’s resolutions as I’ve learned these are but a momentary blip in time, while it’s far better to make and focus on goals, both short and long term. And you can count me in amongst the vast crowd that’s more than willing to say good riddance to 2011.

Personally, I had nothing against 2011. I finally retired from the evil day job, which now allows me the time to start working on several long-term goals and pursue my artistic endeavors. I also lost all the weight I’d been promising myself to lose for years. But it was the setbacks visited upon other family members and friends that made 2011 one of the years that will not be remembered fondly.

So as we close out 2011, I will focus on the good memories with family and friends, put the negative behind me and look forward to a much better year ahead.

Happy New Years